
A collection of awesome TUI apps from around the web.

Screenshot of terminal app called lazygit

lazygit [49.7K Stars]

GitHub Sponsor

simple terminal UI for git commands

Screenshot of terminal app called btop

btop [18.8K Stars]

GitHub Sponsor

A monitor of resources

Screenshot of terminal app called gh-dash

gh-dash [6.9K Stars]

GitHub Sponsor

A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub πŸš€

Screenshot of terminal app called superfile

superfile [5.4K Stars]

GitHub Sponsor

Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager

Screenshot of terminal app called soft-serve

soft-serve [5.1K Stars]


The mighty, self-hostable Git server for the command line🍦

Screenshot of terminal app called oha

oha [4.7K Stars]

GitHub Sponsor

Ohayou(γŠγ―γ‚ˆγ†), HTTP load generator, inspired by rakyll/hey with tui animation.

Screenshot of terminal app called lazydocker

lazydocker [35.9K Stars]

GitHub Sponsor

The lazier way to manage everything docker

Screenshot of terminal app called posting

posting [4.2K Stars]

GitHub Sponsor

The modern API client that lives in your terminal.

Screenshot of terminal app called harlequin

harlequin [3.5K Stars]

GitHub Sponsor

The SQL IDE for Your Terminal.

Screenshot of terminal app called cloudlens

cloudlens [418 Stars]


k9s like CLI for AWS and GCP

Screenshot of terminal app called Terminal Shop

Terminal Shop


delicious, ethically sourced coffee you can order from your terminal

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